Tuesday, January 3, 2012

You Can Get THERE from Here

In my New Year’s Eve post I declared: I AM A BELIEVER.  


All of this came after talking about the absolute necessity of having a Vision of the way we want the “Real World” to look before we can chart a path to it.  In making the declaration, I suggested that humanity has yet to consider that there can be “more” than we’ve already experienced and “more” than we have dared to think about.  People over millenia have envisioned better ways to live and many have succeeded in creating new models of living together.  And when those don’t tend to last or change for the worse, we simply dismiss their attempts (and often their success) as flawed or naïve.

Saw a YouTube video recently of a young man’s “Vision for Global Restoration.”  I am confident that many will see the relevance of his ideas and go about creating sustainable communities on the land with like-minded people.  Many people, old and young, who are drawn to the Occupy Movement are feeling a stirring that says: “We’ve got to find a better way…”

Yet more often than not, people still tend to ASSUME that
“This is ALL there is;
why fight it;
just make the best of a messed up world.” 

Because of that, we seem to go round and round in circles, making the same mistakes over and over, fighting "another war" with "another enemy,” and trying to find a secure place to “live our lives without being bothered.”  Most of us try to play by the rules, want what’s coming to us, and try to get through life with as few mishaps and disasters as possible.  We are afraid, though, of the things that can befall us when we’re not looking.  A sudden heart attack, a drunk driver plowing into our car, being caught in a rock slide while on vacation, or having a child born with a birth defect.

When it comes to knotty complex social problems, we want someone else to fix it and if they don’t address it as quickly as we’d like or fail in an honest attempt, we dismiss them and the process and look around us for someone else who will give us a better “quick-fix.”  Many people escape into drugs because they want a “short-relief” from all that they fear and all that may happen to them.  We say, they just want to “escape reality.” 

Interesting phrase when you think about it.  I know very few people who find today’s “reality” to be comforting, comfortable, or conducive to productive and joyful living.  As I keep saying, today, most of us affirm that “things are all messed up.”  And yet, if you go back in history to purported "mythical" advanced civilizations like Lumuria or Atlantis, we are told that even those fell in upon themselves because of HUMAN CHARACTER FLAWS.  The mis-use of the technology of their times and the factions that fought for political rule “did them in” as these things have brought down other civilizations since before our recorded time.  This isn’t new; humanity has just been proven consistent.

Just think about our times, with the fierce weaponry that can obliterate millions, military regimes that routinely practice genocide, and the grid-locked Congress here in America, whose elected officials seem to not know how to deliberate, collaborate, discourse civilly or pass laws that will benefit the U.S. citizenry. 
Everywhere we look we see individuals exposed because of their “breaking the rules” whether it be legislated guidelines, cheating on spouses and indecent exposure, or bilking millions of people through Ponzi schemes.  Can anyone reading this say that humans don’t have “character flaws?”  (or as a relative of mine says: “are all f%*&ed up.”)

Nature or nurture?  These conversations surfaced during the early days of this last wave of the Women’s Movement back in the 1960s.  Are men inherently smarter than women; are women inherently more passive than men?  What we discovered, those of us who were exploring these issues and had plenty of first-hand experience of vast diversities within humans of both genders, was that conditioning  had a huge impact on the personal experience and capacities of individuals.  Societies, in our recorded times, have always seemed to have a sets of rules and cultural mores that determine what is good/bad; better/best; acceptable/unacceptable. 

We shape ourselves around the expectation of others.  We take in and internalize an "idealized image" of how the world wants us to be.  

In 1970 I spent two weeks at Grailville, a spiritual retreat center for lay women in Ohio.  During that time 40+ women from all walks of life, all races, all religions, young and old got together to explore what it meant to be a woman – in the eyes of God, in the eyes of society, and from our own individual life experience.  It was one of the most exhilarating experiences of my life, where all of us created the agenda, talked and explored, ate together, sang together, danced together, and worshipped the Divine Life in all of Us. 

I saw how it COULD be: all respected, all listened to, all taken seriously.  Gifts and talents recognized and appreciated, all paths honored, and all “cherished” because we knew we were human/divine, even though our individual churches didn’t necessarily proclaim that.  It was this spiritual dimension that drew us together.  We knew we were all “beloveds of Creation” – “beloveds of the Divine” – “beloved Children of That Which is All Sustaining.” 

Much earlier than that, when I was a very young child, I experienced God’s Presence as an Uplifting Energy that expanded me out to the edges of the Universe and held me as tenderly as my own mother did.  I knew I was not alone in the Universe and found myself nestled in a small family where I was loved.  Being an only child, with my father a sign-painter and my mother working at our Methodist Church to save money for me to go to college, we attended church every Sunday and I was active in all of the youth activities up through college.  It was a sheltered life in many ways and I didn’t realize that we were “poor” because we had little money. 

The words I heard in a Christian Church and the words whispered in my heart from that Unseen Presence made me feel whole and dearly loved.  I could sing “In the Garden” and actually feel the Presence of Jesus walking beside me in my life. 

And I didn’t know until much later that not everyone had this experience of Abiding Presence.  Ironically, as I got older and a lot of people my age were questioning the Church and condemning the “character flaws” of the leadership, I can honestly say, I separated out that which I knew was “not of Love” and simply named it that.  I held only several themes in the Center of my Heart and tested everything against those and “forgave” that which was off track or hurtful or destructive.  It was all in the “new covenant” that Jesus said God desired to establish with humanity: “Love God and Love your Neighbor, as you Love yourself.” 

Parable after parable he talked about how humans are meant to act when they live “as the Father” wishes them to live.  Taking care of others, being our “brother’s keeper,” being humble, being generous, sharing, and TRUSTING that God is more like a Parent than a Judge.  Jesus said that "we are all God’s children.”  That we are made in “His image” – that the Spark of Divinity that is placed in our bodies at birth is our own Soul that comes from God, is “of God,” and LINKED WITH GOD at all times. 

Whether we realize it or not, he implied that God was nearer than hands and feet and closer than breathing.  He said we are meant to reach God by going inward and reaching out to this “loving heavenly Father” and we could anchor a connection there.  He said that each one of us is loved by God, so much so that like the father in the wayward Prodigal’s Son parablem, He FORGIVES US and WELCOMES us back into that Abiding Presence from which we originally came.  This is assured every time we turn away from the path of materiality, greed, violence, selfishness, and ego-centered living and back towards the Ground of Being.* (*phrase that theologian Paul Tillich used to represent a much larger Reality than humans had attached to the idea of a heavenly-father-who-is-male-white-old-and-keeps-score.)

And because we have been given Free Will, each human must be the one to determine their own character by the choices they make.  Jesus admonished people for being greedy, for separating themselves from each other through their ethnic heritages, for being judgmental, for all the things – and more – that were outlined in the societal and spiritual commandments of their times. 

He said things like Be ye perfect, even as your Father in heaven is perfect.”  He KNEW that we had the capacity to grow into the most loving, authentic beings possible and he encouraged us to strive for a conduct of living, loving and serving - putting others first and seeing other fellow humans as other “children of God.”

He also said, “I and the Father are One” and “do as I do": “Seek first the Kingdom of Heaven.”  Many of our Christian theologians have interpreted that to mean “seek-to-go-to-heaven” by obeying the rules and “work your way into heaven.”  He said that the "Kingdom of God is within.” And for the last 2,000+ years we’ve simply not known what to do with that one! 

He was constantly linked to God; he prayed and encouraged us to go within and meet God as he did.  He’s basically pushing us to get by ourselves, to reach inside and into our inner hearts to acknowledge and FIND that Abiding'" Presence that never leaves us.  And it is not easy to reach beyond our acculturated beliefs and our lack of faith to do this in earnest. 

It is my belief that the one of Jesus, who was born into flesh and blood, was destined to be our World Teacher by embodying that which he had been taught inwardly by God and telling all who came to listen to him about God’s Desired Way of Living for humanity.  He said it was what God expected and wished for forHis children.  Jesus lived a life dedicated to God’s Guidance, given to him in his inner Heart, and because he acted in accordance with this Desired Way of Living – of his own Free Will - he actually became the embodiment of God-Consciousness, which many call the Christ-Consciousness. 

So close to the Presence did Jesus live, listening for the guidance of that Divine Presence, and living a LIFE THAT EXEMPLIFIED LOVE AND SERVICE, the Light of His Soul became so expanded that he was joined directly to the Godhead.  Jesus was a human who reached for God and he merged his human identity with his Divine Soul which is ever connected directly to the Abiding Presence.  He said: Do as I do…”  He became the Christ, a fully-realized God-Conscious human.

“Do as I do…”
translates to me that
you and I and every human being has the same opportunity
to become God-Connected -  
so fully, so completely, so aligned that we will be able to
see the Divine Vision for the Earth.
And if we are able to do this we can behold
what a Glorious Future humanity is meant to have.

Then we are able to know that we have “returned” to the Father’s House and know this is where we belong.  And even as we have joined with God, at-one-with-God, we are still right here, in physical form.  We are not "taken away" - "swept up into heaven, away from this Earth."  (I have no doubt that after our Souls leave our physical bodies that they are amazed to find that Life is even greater beyond the physical plane and nothing like we imagined – or “denied” because we believed that “this is all there was.”) 

Even though we have risen in awareness and realize our True Natures, we are still on the Earth in physical bodies.  Even though we FEEL different inside, we still have to deal with our surroundings.  And yet, we have new eyes with which to see and new yearnings to love that which we behold, no matter how "bad" it looks. 

Earth environment still looks, feels, and manifests as the same kind of place where the prodigal son lost his hope, his money, and his respect for himself.  WE ARE MEANT TO bring the God-Consciousness into this world – this world as it is – and do what we know how to do, if we invite ourselves to be transformed by the Touch of the Abiding Presence. 
I am a Believer and a Knower.

That's why I say, WE HAVE ALREADY BEEN GIVEN A VISION of how the Earth and humanity is meant to be and yet we haven’t been able to grasp the magnificence of it.  If you remember the work of the Catholic priest Father Theilard de Chardin, you know through his prayers and inner communion with God, that he was given to understand that humanity was evolving and that we were nearing the point where humanity could make a giant leap into a New Time.  He said the time would come when we would have evolved into A New Human.  One he called the Omega man. 

The time has come – the time is crucial – for humankind to open to an expanded VISION of what is intended by the Creator and Sustainer of All of Life and begin to conform our lives to the simple Way of Life, when lived fully that has always resulted in joy, companionship, and harmony.  It’s our CHOICE to aspire to see the “more” and become the “more.”

We can decide to move toward that VISION of a more humane, joy-filled, contented world where we can grow into NEW HUMANS who together can bring that VISION to “Life” to uplift us all into a new "REAL WORLD" here on Earth.

I am only one Voice, sharing from my heart.  I invite neither debate nor questions, and for this post, ask for only individual comments spoken by those who choose to do so – from their own heart-inspired VISION for humanity’s future.   (It's free and easy to join google in order to make comments.)
I would also ask that if this resonates with you that you join with me in exploring this VISION and that you pass this invitation on to others whom you think might be interested.  We can be yet another Circle of people who join together at this momentous time in Earth history to move toward a NEW HUMANITY and a NEW WORLD."
In Faithfulness and Trust,

One Voice / Relentless Truth Seeker / Truth Speaker

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